Tempo Horsemanship
Our highly effective program is built on trust, respect and integrity. We love our horses and cherish our clients.

Our Philosophy
Our natural horsemanship programs provide horses and people with a safe, enjoyable and effective educational environment. With over a decade of experience, Claire has a well-established colt-starting program. We offer other horse training services, horsemanship sessions and clinics. At the core of our philosophy is the theory that each horse is a unique individual, and our methods reflect this. Flustered, frightened or confused horses react in accordance with their emotions. Our belief is that the only productive way to train horses is to prove to them that they can trust us entirely. When horses learn that humans aren’t predators, they are able to behave less like prey animals. When settled and relaxed, horses are able to use the thinking side of their brain instead of the reactive side. This allows the horse to learn, absorb information and perform at their full capacity.
Horses learn from a system that involves 3 steps: Pressure (or cue), Response, and Release of the pressure (or reward). Contrary to common belief, horses learn from the release of a pressure, not the pressure itself. Whatever response the horse gave that preceded the release of the pressure, is the response that the horse will learn and repeat. So, we take that knowledge and use it to encourage our ideas to become the horse’s ideas.
Our priority is to give horses and clients the best possible chance to have a positive, comfortable, encouraging and highly educational training experience. We strive to allow horses the opportunity to enjoy their work, and to provide owners with a safe, honest, and capable horse. We constantly invest in acquiring knowledge, tools and feedback from other accomplished horsemen and women. Seeking the knowledge of others with a discerning mind has enabled us to derive elements from external methods, and develop our own. We thoroughly enjoy our work, strive to offer horses the same luxury, and endeavour to provide our clients with excellent results.